Despite every inclination I have towards thinking his agents, the Hendricks Brothers, are running a ploy straight from the Scott Boras handbook -- you know, the ol' interested, unknown, and silent second party with a big deal plan, it's a classic. I say go for it Andy! Go pitch someplace else for 3 years. Do it! I dare you!
It's funny. Over the Winter Meetings the only team I remember with any interest in Andy outside of us was the Boston Red Sox. And while I don't put it past them to push us and/or make this deal that much more difficult, they can have him. I say this really only because they don't need him or are probably even in on him and would be a horrible team with Andy Pettite for 3 years. Or any team for that matter.
3 years?!?! Who wants a 36 year old coming off a career low with injury and durability issues who's also linked to and admitted to using HGH in the past? For that matter, why do we at this point? The longer this goes, the less I'm apt to miss or want Andy Pettite.
I don't even understand the position he's taking. I mean after the A.J. and C.C. signings you'd think that Pettite would go back to the Yankees with his hat in hands asking if there's enough room in the rotation for him. The team just committed 250 mill in a bad economy for 2 pitchers, why not try just accept their generous 10 million dollar deal and go out on top in the hearts and minds of the one fan base that cares about you?
Well, did care about you.
Bye, Andy. It's been fun.
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